1 days ago

Advanced Product Design

Learn how to become an artist, salesman, marketer, architect, and engineer all wrapped into one. A product designer makes a practical and functional product as artistic and attractive to a consumer as possible. It takes creativity, consumer-savvy, and the know-how to take a product from ideation all the way to production.

32 Registered of 50 capacity
6 days ago

Analytical Computing

The term analysis is commonly used in business, economics and elsewhere to mean the process of understanding a system quantitatively. A diverse collection of people (managers, economists, financial consultants,social scientists, etc.) and equally diverse systems (business projects, corporate or national economic activity, accounting and financial planning, political or social entities) have remarkably similar needs; namely, for a repeated cycle of data acquisition and management, data analysis, and presentation of results.

100 Registered of 100 capacity
2 days ago

Theoretical Physics

Theoretical physics is the branch of physics that deals with developing and evolving theory to explain the fundamental nature of the universe. It is possibly the most important branch of physics in that without it physics would stagnate and no new discoveries or ideas would develop.

11 Registered of 25 capacity
5 days ago

Civil Engineering

Theoretical physics is the branch of physics that deals with developing and evolving theory to explain the fundamental nature of the universe. It is possibly the most important branch of physics in that without it physics would stagnate and no new discoveries or ideas would develop.

202 Applied of 250 capacity
12 days ago

Voice Training & Live Presentation

Skill in vocal performance is crucial for any successful sports broadcaster and communicator. Students will learn how to recognize and develop vocal richness and authenticity, while exploring the philosophy of communicating with audiences.

50 Registered of 50 capacity
3 days ago

Principles of Modern Architecture

The basic principles of modern architecture include form following function, clean lines, and a lack of ornamentation. Modern architecture allowed a building's primary purpose to drive its design, eschewing decor for decor's sake, and, instead, reducing a building to its most basic function. Because of its emphasis on practicality, modern buildings are designed with a human's experience at their core, which includes an abundance of natural light and open floor plans.

2 Registered of 10 capacity
22 days ago

Human Anatomy

Human Anatomy invites students to join medical and basic science faculty to learn about musculoskeletal injuries commonly seen in clinical practice.

For each case, students observe the initial patient encounter and physical examination by an orthopedic surgeon. Following the patient encounter, students complete the interactive gross anatomy, histology and radiology learning sessions essential for understanding the case. The anatomy learning sessions include observing actual dissections in the Harvard Medical School anatomy laboratories revealing and explaining the human anatomy relevant for each clinical case.

After completing the case learning sessions, students review pertinent radiology images, commit to a tentative diagnosis from a list of differential diagnoses, and accompany the patient to a virtual operating room to observe the surgical treatment. In the virtual operating room, students observe narrated videos of actual surgical procedures.

75 Registered of 75 capacity
12 days ago

Introduction to Thermodynamics

This course provides an introduction to the most powerful engineering principles you will ever learn - Thermodynamics: the science of transferring energy from one place or form to another place or form. We will introduce the tools you need to analyze energy systems from solar panels, to engines, to insulated coffee mugs. More specifically, we will cover the topics of mass and energy conservation principles; first law analysis of control mass and control volume systems; properties and behavior of pure substances; and applications to thermodynamic systems operating at steady state conditions.

124 Registered of 125 capacity
12 days ago


Philosophy delves into the realm of abstract ideas and critical thinking.

59 Registered of 65 capacity